          日本關切中國2010〈國防動員法〉 【Comment】 For the countries that have experienced war, especially those who initiated war, know what Chinese Defense Mobilizati 租屋網on Law means. All foreign corporations in China have to consider how the 售屋網 law impacts their management and the effect on cost from now on.The law was passed on Feb. 26, 買屋2010 and we were surprised to know that Cheonan was sunk exactly one month after the pass. It is pretty hard for us N 辦公室出租OT to imagine the possible relations between the two. Also, the fact that the law entered in to force on 1st July might play an import 宜蘭民宿ant role in escalating series military exercises during summer days. And that is what the term “by accident” refers to. 中國台商應該將中國《國防動員法》的影 辦公室出租響,特別是強制徵收,列入經營風險中。 日防衛相關切中國《國防動員法》 稱“與日本戰前相同”●共同社(2010.10.26) 日本防衛相北澤俊美26日上午在參院外交防衛委員會會議上回答自民黨議員?田和幸的 花蓮民宿提問,對中國今年7月制定的《國防動員法》表示關切稱:“回顧以往歷史可以知道,日本也曾(在戰前)制定過國家總動員法。我深切感受到中國正在做同樣的事。”   中國的《國防動員法》規定了國家主席下達動員令的程序、徵用人員 燒烤物資的相關義務和處罰。北澤表示:“如果發生中方(依據該法)沒收日本企業及資源的情況,我們將深感遺憾。”   不過北澤同時也分析說:“中國很快將超越日本,成為全球第二經濟大國。作為一個危險性而言,從理論上是成立的,但從全球整體趨?酒店打工捰茖央A中國做出這種選擇的可能極小。”(完)   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 21世紀房屋仲介  .

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